Utilizing the Chicken Pot Pie instructions provided by Breads From Anna (
Click Here for Recipe) I made the ult

imate in comfort food for the family. In this dish, I used the Gluten Free Pantry Pie Crust Mix (minus the sugar). While it did turn out very good, I strongly prefer using Breads From Anna's pie crust mix. It is a healthier choice with a better whole grain ratio and significantly less fat. But I wanted to try something new, so I gave this white crust a shot.
The report from the family was that everyone liked it. What's not to like? It was very good, warm, and a perfect one dish meal for a cold day. It does take more prep time than a usual meal I would make, which made it ideal for a weekend treat.
One important ti

p when working with gluten free pie crusts: It is very helpful to refrigerate the pie crust for 1 hour before working with the dough. Bottom crust can be pressed into the pan, but the top crust will need to be rolled out between two sheets of wax paper. Then take this wax paper / dough and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes before using. This will help, tremendously, when making a gluten free pie crust, of any variety!
Another tip: Also, a helpful step w

hen making pies or tarts with gluten free dough, is to bake the dough without the filling for a period of aproximately 5-12 minutes (depending on how thick the crust and what size of pan). I pre cooked this dough for 15 minutes, and then gave it an egg white wash before adding the vegetables and stock mixture.
While this pot pie was a bit soupy when it immediately came out of the oven, it quickly thickened up and held it's own. I would highly recommend making this with Breads From Anna Crust mix or your own homemade whole grain crust mix, to add some fiber and to cut back on the earth balance butter called for in the Gluten Free Pantry Recipe.